“Ragadirogan sathathanooshaktha Naseshakaya Prasroota naseshan Outsookya moha rathithan jagana Yopoorva vaidyaya namosthu thasmai” Meaning: My obeisance to that extraordinary physician, who destroys totally the great diseases of “Raga dwesha” (desire, hatred etc) which pervades the entire body, never departs and is constantly creating the evil qualities of “Sneha” (attachment), “Moha” (illusion) etc. Siddha Vidya It is noted above that Swamiji himself, after tedious and strenuous efforts, has found out the upward course of Jeeva (Urthva Gathi). It is nothing but Siddha Vidya, that in the words of Swamiji is life (Jeeva)-which is present in oneself, gets downward, spreads out and destroys-being not allowed so to spread out, should be ever conducted up and down inwardly, there by knock open the Brahmarandhra, and learn to unite the life there with Eswara (at Brahmarandhra).It is Siddha Vidya. About Siddha Veda many a life histories are there, but Siddha Vedam is the unique-the true one. ...