
Showing posts from June, 2013


Vana +Nir Nature of nirvana [6] The path of rebirth Leaving off Being away from the path of rebirth permanently avoiding all paths of transmigration. Forest Without To be in a state which has got rid of, for ever, of the dense forest of the three fires of lust, malice and delusion Weaving Being free Freedom from the  knot  of the vexations of karmas and in which the texture of both birth and death is not to be woven Stench or stink Without Being without and free from all stench of karmas Dear Brothers and Sisters, People often misconceived about nirvana. Nirvana is the process of achieving Nirvigalpam.Vigalpam means Duality. God and Me are the one. I am that. I am Brahman. Which is holding you back from realising this truth. i.e. maya. Maya is the product of our mind. You need to get rid of your mind. in order to get rid of your mind you need to follow vasi yoga/ Siddha vidya. Thro' this process alone your past karmas/bandas and tri dosha's will be removed from you....