Dear Brothers and Sisters, Atma Namaskaram, We born to this world to live a peaceful and prosperous life with bliss and enlightment. I am going to share my experience with my Athma Pitha (Father of My soul) Jega Jyothi alias His Holiness Swami Sivananda Paramahamsa and his Siddha Vidya. SIDDHA SAMAJAM AIM AND FUNCTION AIM The very cause that siddha samajam stands for is world welfare and world peace. It will be achieved only in a free, independent society, free from fear and bribery. SIDDHA VIDYA Now the world is devoid of peace. It is because: due to raga-dwesha (love and hatred) such as “I”, mine, my wife, my children, my relatives, my property, I must possess, my dependents must be provided and saved, he is foreigner, he must not be provided, he must be killed etc.,” people quarrel among themselves, get *”adhogathi” and die. But take the case of birds! They have no such raga-dwesha.they live with equality and fraternity and lead a peacef...