siddha vidyarthi

Dear Brothers and Sisters, Atma Namaskaram,

We born to this world to live a peaceful and prosperous life with bliss and enlightment.
I am going to share my experience with my Athma Pitha (Father of My soul) Jega Jyothi alias His Holiness Swami Sivananda Paramahamsa and his Siddha Vidya.



The very cause that siddha samajam stands for is world welfare and world peace. It will be achieved only in a free, independent society, free from fear and bribery.


Now the world is devoid of peace. It is because: due to raga-dwesha (love and hatred) such as “I”, mine, my wife, my children, my relatives, my property, I must possess, my dependents must be provided and saved, he is foreigner, he must not be provided, he must be killed etc.,” people quarrel among themselves, get *”adhogathi” and die. But take the case of birds! They have no such raga-dwesha.they live with equality and fraternity and lead a peaceful life. For them if mothers, all are mothers, if father, all are fathers, if children, all are children,

Mankind has lost the peace and tranquility and universal fellow-feeling that the birds enjoy. It is because: the birds have their “prana” under their control while the so called man loses it due to drownward flow (adhogathi) of jeeva. The remedy is to get upward flow (urdhwagathi)of jeeva which is known as brahma vidya, pranayama etc. by Herculean effort his holiness has himself founded this sublime vidya-the way of deliverance of jeeva-the way to be immortal-the way to salvation and supreme bliss and preached it as siddha vidya. It is alone the remedy for the miseries of the world. It is alone the root cause to lead a life as that of birds. It is what the great teachers of the world viz. the Buddha, the Christ, the mohammed, the rishis of old etc., etc., had advocated. It is what the Vedas, the Upanishads, the bible, the quran, etc., teach. Hensh, out of dire sympathy upon the suffering mankind, his holiness advocated this supreme cult throughout the world at large and founded siddha samajam-the foundation to practice this vidya, attain salvation (moksha) and enjoy the sublime bliss that his holiness enjoyed.


Assets of the samajam are only its soil. It belong to none in particular, but to all-the existing as well as the on-coming members of the samajam who work and live there unitedly as uterine brethren without any disparity of cast and creed. The existence of privacy is the root cause of all miseries. Hence the property is made common. None can either misappropriate or mortgage or sell sell the property of the samajam. There is nothing of the sort of any economic activity in the samajam. It has to do no materials service. Everything is to make the samajam self-sufficient. Just
an example to be followed by the world.


IT is due to lack of fellow-feeling or fellow-belife that people fall prey to fear and bribery, get immersed in unnatural bondages of family relation and suffer. Hence the samajam aims at fostering fellow-feeling and fello-belief-universal brotherhood. There are no such relations such as husband, wife, son, daughter etc, in the samajam. All are the children of one mother; all brethren.


A bride-free life is possible only through high morale and discipline. Hence strict discipline is observed in the samajam. Every day 8 hours are devoted for prayer-3a.m. to 5.20a.m.; 12noon to 2.20p.m.;6p.m. to 7p.m. and 7.30p.m. to 9.50p.m.; the rest is used for earning the livelihood. Diet is strictly vegetarian. Drinking liquors, taking intoxicants such as opium, ganja etc.; smoking cigar, beedi and cigarette, using snuff, chewing tobacco, arecanut and lime and the use of tea, tamarind and mustard are totally avoided. No caste or professional titles should be used. Superstitions, funeral rites etc., are dispelled. Except simple pure white clothes, no other dresses such as shirts, trousers etc., and colour dresses are used. No hair-cutting or shaving. Religion is Religion of God and caste is Human. In short the samajam has to lead a life in accordance with nature.


Agriculture is chef means for livelihood. Others are trade and crafts. Samajam is meant for one to live by his own work without depending on others. There is no compulsion in talking work. One can do any work. Whatever they do, it must be done to together and the fruits are enjoyed equally, commonly and collectively. None is paid for his labour. Instead, their labour as well as their life is dedicated to promote the supreme cult of the samajam.

The samajists carry on agriculture by hard-working in the samajam landed property; but the produce is very low due to the poor quality of land and water scarcity. Hence they are resorted to the production and sale of ayurvedic medicines. It is from the income derived out of these, the primary needs of ashramites such as food, clothing etc.; child care and education, treatment of sick, reception of guests, annadan (serving food), management of samajam, karthika festival etc., are met. Thus the income of the samajam is wholly used for public charitable purposes and no part of it is spend for any selfish activity.


One of the highest forms of charity that the samajam performs is serving food. The ashamites take in food only after supplying food to all outsiders including the poor and needy, present during the meals time. If one comes hungry and there is no food prepared, the samajists are bound to prepare food at once and supply the hungry,


Other than children, sick and persons gone outside, none should take food separately. All should observe sagthi sapeethi. All sit and take in collectively solid foods mixed together and served in a single plate or leaf is sagthi and that of liquid foods in this manner is sapeethi. Thus samajists enjoy food commonly and evenly.


There is no celebration at all in the samajam other than the one-the samajam other than the one-the birthday celebration of its founder. It is celebrated as karthika festival-festival in the sense that thousands and thousands of people gather and they are all fed with food freely in the morning and afternoon. In additions, discourse on spiritual matters as well as prayer-practice of siddha vidya is allowed. No other rituals are observed.


Whoever visit the samajam are fed with the ideals of the samajam. The publications of the samajam are the best means of propagation. They are published as low-priced edition in all the four Dravidian languages and in Hindi and English. Initiation in siddha vidya is given for the thirsty heart provided one follows the “rules of conduct for siddha vidyarthies” before getting initiation one is expected to go through “SIDDHAVEDAM” thoroughly.


The samajam runs one patasala at the head office as a residential school for the children of the samajam. After completing education there, they are sent back to the siddhasramams.


Even though admission in the samajam is always open to all irrespective of sex, cast, creed and country, before exploring for entrance in the samajam, one must get initiated siddha vidha, practice it and follow the “rules of conduct for sidda vidyarthis” and he must get acquainted with siddha samajam and understand it thoroughly. On knowing all these if he decides to dedicate his life for the noble cause of the samajam and is ready to abide by “siddha samaj rules” he must leave all family relations and private holdings in his name, acquire one certificate from the local village officer or sub inspector of police to the effect that he belongs to no parties at all and submit it along with the application to the president of the ashram where he wants to join. From then onward he will be kept under probation for some period. When he seems fit tom join, he will be got enrolled as a member and now on he will be treated equally and freely along with other members of the ashram. Thus the samajam performs the noble career of bringing the whole word under one roof of TRUTH which will help lead thereby to establish world government.


The samajam is organised by the five general officers, viz. general president, general secretary, general representative, general treasure and minute editor-all are elected by samajam general body. Each siddhasramam under the samajam is organised similarly by five officials appointed by the general president. Also there is one daily minuter in each ashram in order to take note in the daily minutes whatever he sees and hears in the ashram. The general president is the head of the administration and has the supreme power to take disciplinary actions and punish, even to dismiss any member of the samajam. But even that general president if he deviates from the samajam rules is put into trial and punished by the samajam general body. Thus the samajam is purely a democratic set up.


TRUTH and religion cannot exist together. Hence, from the advent of religions, the world is devoit of the supreme qualities of human life such as TRUTH, EOUITY, HONOUR, UNITY, PROTECTION OF THE PIOUS, FRATHERNITY and OBSERVANCE OF DHARHA (rule of law). Hence by destroying the religions and establishing TRUTH etc., the supreme qualities of human life whoever endeavour to keep the world in existence they alone are siddha samajists.


The samajam is the tharavadu (parentages) of siddha vidyarthies who follow strictly the “rules of conduct for siddha vidyarthies” there are crores of people who have got initiated in siddha vidya and live throughout the world. The samajam expects every citizen of the world to become siddha samajists or siddha vidyarthies.


Siddha samajam is the world sanctuary-the place where the suffering masses of the world will fine protection to their very life and enjoy the life in this world as that of birds without any entanglement. By birth, birds have always the upward course of breath (urdhwagathi) – the one we have only during sleep. One can attain that only by practicing yoga (siddha vidya). We should keep the mind ever upward. Just like water on lotus leaf what ever we do should be done unaffectionately along with the single course of breath (gathi)-the upward course of life. It is due to the disappearance of this ever living, way to truth, mankind has lost itself in the downward wordly life, has forgotten the real and natural principles of trusteeship (common ownership) and has taken to the mean, destructive, selfish individual ownership which is the root cause of all dangers, conflicts, unrests etc., the world faces today. Thus forgetting one’s own life and following the artificial inhuman activities, the atmosphere is being polluted and the world is at the fringe of utter destruction. Only by practicing siddha vidya, the world will be taken to natural way of life and got rescued. It is thus to save the mankind from utter destruction that his holiness swamai sivananda Paramahamsa has incarnated, propagated siddha vidya and founded siddha samajam the very world sanctuary providing the mankind with all means for survival.


Thus the samajam is in miniature a free, independent society, free from fear and bribery and shows the world practically the very way to egalitarian society. Hence, the very existence of the samajam itself is the very embodiment of dharma (charity) and it is to keep it in existence-to practice and propagate the ideals of the samajam-that the income, derived out of the very toiling and moiling of its members, it is utilised.

Protection of life-deliverance of jeeva-is truly the protecting of the humanity, in other words protecting of the universe and it is the supreme kind of charity the samajam performs practically. Whatever the samajam does, it is all to save life in this universe and thereby to keep the universe in existence. At present, due to the inhuman activities, the world is full of problems and there is no safety of life. Siddha samajam stands as the only practical solution to away the inhuman activities and save the mankind from utter destructing. It practically shows the world the right path to become human.

Also, the samajam stands as the very answer to all the problems of the world such as food, clothing, housing education; property, labour, caste, creed etc., whatever may be the problems-worldly or spiritual-the samajam stands as the very answer to all and only through the samajam way of life the world will secure peace and prosperity and become welfare and safety. That is the one and single treatment to all the conflicts and dangers of the world is to sacrifice the base, selfish through of individual possession and accept the sublime, unselfish samajam way of life. Once this vedantic socialist life is appreciated and realished. *”thy kingdom” is achieved. It is to make known this message practically to the world that the samajam stands for. It is to this that the samajam carries on practically and silently its noble pioneering service of world welfare and world peace by practising and propagating this ideals of the samajam-the most supreme act of charity. Thus the samajam, all in all, is a spiritual and charitable establishment for world welfare and world peace.


On this age of turmoil, the samajam entreats every citizen of the world to accept the samajam way of life, foster universal brotherhood, save life in this in this world, secure world welfare and world peace and thereby enjoy sublime bliss!!


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