one woman for one man

Dear Brothers and Sisters,
I would like to share little information on today’s married life’s pathetic state of few youngsters
Our forefathers when they living in a society they found out a unique way to keep our heredity pure and pious through this noble method of living together “One woman for one man”.
                Today’s youngsters without knowing this noble way of living, they make a mockery of married life; they are starting to live at their will.
                I would like to list the benefits and ethics of “one woman for one man” ,method of noble living taught by my father in my teen age.
                My father not only taught this to me also he lived the same and demonstrated to me as a “Eka patni viradhan”
·         The prime and foremost advantage of this noble method is to safeguard our life force. i.e sukkilam (Vindhu in tamil). We require 21 days of 3 times food to form a drop of sukkilam and this sukkilam is the seed for your child.
·         A man and woman who bring their child (Every child is the form of “Brahman”) to this world should give their all out effort to bring the baby healthy with intelligence.
·          The child health and intelligence is based on this sukkilam and suronitham’s purity.
·         The above sukkilam and suronitham’s purity is based on your mind and health condition
·         A couple who are willing to grow their heredity should take care of their health and mind to give a proper child to this world
·         After gave birth to a child or two, this sukkilam and suronitham’s should kept intact with their body to safeguard their body healthy with sound mind.
·         Of course we are getting used to intercourse then one may not able to stop this intercourse after gave birth to their child. What one should do is, turn your focus on your child’s better growth.
·         Occasional intercourse with wife may be twice in a month (best for your healthy life) or if you are more eager to this 4 times in a month is tolerable.
·         The above is advisable for a healthy living of a family man who willing to lead a pure life with out any problems for their life.
The disadvantages of breaching this above noble way of living
1)When a man intercourse with a woman all their pancha kosa’s getting mingled with each other and during this intercourse their past karma’s also getting transferred with each other.
2) when a man intercourse with their patni’s i.e their wife alone this turns out a gift i.e their sukkilam and suronitham formed as a vital fluid and get induced with their body and formed as a stress buster. (No heart attack for those living their wife with proper way of living)
Of course when we try to break this noble way of living suppose when you involve a another woman in your life then the pancha kosa’s  of your body and new lady will become impure. Then the white blood cells of both their body’s will be lost. This is the reason AIDS is attacking your body
Then there is a chance of heart attack, stroke and diabetes depending on their karma . Karma is nothing but the pancha kosa’s impurity of both who involving in this ignoble activity.
Those who are cheating a man or woman in this noble way of living will take at least 14 births to purify their sin caused due to this ignoble act. That too a man who cheats their beloved wife will never have a chance to unite with the lotus feet of lord.
So my dear friend based on my father’s advise, who living as an “ekapatni viradhan” and demonstrating to us a pure way of living. We also follow the same.
It is up to you to take this invaluable information and lead a noble way of living.
If you are not respecting this information I am not going to loose anything.
Those who take salt should consume water. Those who break these noble principles of life will surely suffered with hell a lot of family problems and health hazards.
Finally “Good or Bad not because of others” it is because our own thoughts and actions, and the preferences we given in our life.
With regards
Brahmasri E.Sankar
Call me for clarification 9952184233
Siddha vidyarthi
Home saint


  1. Atma Namaskaram Anna,

    Time and again I have been seeing your blogspot for updation. Thank you for the valuable information you are posting in this blog and thank you for the trouble you are taking in collecting such information and making them as an article and posting them here. May Appa's blessings be with you and guide you.

    1. Hi ,
      What about people had intercourse before marriage ( One or Many)
      Before Marriage Self Enjoyment / Post Marriage Self Enjoyment
      Sex with Same Gender ?
      How all those will be counted ?


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