Awakening stem cell with iteracare

 ITeraCare Device awakens sleeping stem cells in the bone marrows. 

Stem cells are cells with the potential to develop into many different types of cells in the body. They serve as a repair system for the body. 

There are two main types of stem cells: embryonic stem cells and adult stem cells.

What are 3 important uses for stem cells?

Potential uses of stem cells

grow new cells in a laboratory to replace damaged organs or tissues.

correct parts of organs that don't work properly.

research causes of genetic defects in cells.

research how diseases occur or why certain cells develop into cancer cells.

test new drugs for safety and effectiveness.

What is the main function of stem cells in adults?

Adult stem cells are involved in regenerating tissues for renewal and damage repair. Findings: Adult stem cells have been isolated from adult tissue, umbilical cord blood and other non-embryonic sources, and can transform into many tissues and cell types in response to pathophysiological stimuli. › ...

The key role of adult stem cells: therapeutic perspectives - PubMed

Where stem cells are found?

Stem cells are pretty ubiquitous in the body, appearing in many different organs and tissues including the brain, blood, bone marrow, muscle, skin, heart, and liver tissues. In these areas, they lie dormant until needed to regenerate lost or damaged tissue.

Can stem cells cure anything?

Sometimes called the body's “master cells,” stem cells are the cells that develop into blood, brain, bones, and all of the body's organs. They have the potential to repair, restore, replace, and regenerate cells, and could possibly be used to help many medical conditions and diseases.















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